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Actualités Sonus Faber

Découvrez les actualités de Sonus Faber. Il se peut d’ailleurs qu’elles ne soient pas toujours traduites en français

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Guarneri Evolution

Sonus faber a présenté les nouvelles Guarneri Evolution pendant le show de Munich. Nous étions déjà sous le charme des Amati futura, mais les Guarneri Evolution sont comment dire... Superbes !!!
Nous attendons les premières paires fin juin et nous vous donnerons plus d'informations d'ici là.


Van Duppen Audio

Depuis quelques jours, Van-Duppen à Horst a ajouté à son assortiment les Toy, Toy Tower, Liuto et Cremona M de Sonus faber. www.van-duppen.nl


Amati Futura

Dans l’histoire de l’audio, il y a vraiment bien longtemps qu’une enceinte n’ait été accueillie unanimement avec autant de compliments !

« Les clients non-audiophiles demandent quelquefois presque en pleurs : « quel est le prix ? » et éclatent de rire lorsqu’ils sont confrontés avec le prix de certains produits hi-fi. Cette fois, ce n’est vraiment pas le cas. Cette fois, le prix demandé est plus que correct et tout à fait justifié. Non seulement les Futura ont une esthétique fantastique, mais leur son est aussi fantastique. Cette enceinte possède tout ce qu’il y a de mieux dans la haute-fidélité » Alan Sircom – hi-fi+


And the Editors’ Choice Award goes to….

Catégorie Enceintes

Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber Liuto
The all-new Liuto may be the best speaker in the Sonus family. A three-way, vented floorstander, it combines warmth and detail with earthy low-frequency extension that dips confidently into 30Hz range. But where it really turns up the heat is in the lack of smearing during complex orchestral passages. The Liuto’s primary character shades a bit to the dark side, and in some cases it’s not as fast on transients
as some others. Nonetheless, it is a high-voltage performer - entertaining and musical. Reviewed by NG, Issue 199

Sonus Faber Cremona M
The latest addition to the Cremona family, the Cremona M retains the lute-shape enclosure that Sonus Faber popularized in its flagship Amati and Guarneri models. The M is powerful and passionate with a rich, warm balance. Yet it’s no wallflower dynamically. In its timbral sophistication and
impressive dynamic range, even at orchestral levels, it achieves the kind of top-to-bottom coherence that makes magic happen. Reviewed by NG, 189

Sonus Faber Elipsa
Yet another gorgeous speaker from this outstanding Italian manufacturer, the Elipsa’s tone colors are ravishing, its overall sound smooth, warm, and intensely seductive. At the same
time, it will easily show differences in recordings as well as associated components. Reviewed by WG, Issue 173

Welcome to the 2011 edition of The Absolute Sound’s Editors’ Choice Awards, our annual Recommended Products list. On the following pages we present the gear that our editors and writers have selected as most worthy of your consideration. These are the components we ourselves would buy—or recommend to friends and family. Each product category is divided into price ranges, with components listed in order of ascending cost (though a few items, like cables and accessories, are listed alphabetically for clarity’s sake). Each recommendation is also accompanied by a capsule review, the original reviewer’s name or initials, and the issue the review appeared in. Note that in a few cases a product may have been reviewed in one of our sister publications, Playback or AVguide.com, or the review may be pending publication, or the product may not have been formally reviewed but earns a recommendation based on one or more writer’s extensive experience with it.
Given that this is the high end, where components generally have long lifespans, some of our recommendations look back several years. At the same time, in an effort to be as selective and up-to-date as possible, we have dropped some components that appeared on last year’s list, usually because they have been discontinued but sometimes because fresh competition has caused us to reconsider the choice.
TAS founder Harry Pearson’s selections can be found in this issue’s HP’s Workshop.

The Hottest New Gear from CES


Sonus faber was showing its beauteous, top-of-the-line $45k Stradivarius multiway floorstander (which I reviewed several years ago) driven by ARC 610Ts and augmented by REL three-decker woofers. As you might expect, given all that bass fire-power, bottom- end transients were so fast and powerful I wrote the word “Boom!” in my notepad. Unfortunately, there was also some of the wrong kind of boom—a room resonance that somewhat obscured the lowest octave. Nonetheless, the Strads were very impressive on my tough Mario Lanza disc, reproducing his voice and the piano accompaniment with exceptionally beautiful tone and texture.




A partir du mois de mars 2010, les produits de la ligne Toy sont disponibles avec deux finitions.

  • la finition actuelle avec un cuir lisse brun/gris
  • la nouvelle finition avec un cuir classique déjà utilisé dans la série Concert-série (discontinuée)
    et actuellement dans la ligne en bois Liuto.

Il n’y a pas de différence de prix pour les finitions.

Dans un futur proche, deux finitions supplémentaires seront proposées : bois et laqué.
Actuellement aucun prix n’est connu.


And the Award goes to….

Catégorie Enceintes

Sonus Faber


Sonus Faber Liuto
The all-new Liuto may be the best speaker in the Sonus family. A three-way, vented floorstander, the Liuto preserves classic Sonus visual cues but with a cleaner more contemporary look. Sonically it imparts a combination of warmth and detail along with earthy low-frequency extension that dips confidently into 30Hz range. But where it really turns up the heat is in the lack of smearing during complex orchestral passages—stringsection layering, microdynamic interplay, and depth cues are more vividly and authentically rendered. The Liuto’s primary character shades a bit to the dark side, and in some cases it’s not as fast on transients as some others. Nonetheless, the Liuto is a high-voltage performer— entertaining and musical. NG, 199

Sonus Faber Cremona M
The latest addition to the Cremona family, the Cremona M retains the lute-shape enclosure that Sonus Faber popularized in its flagship Amati and Guarneri models. The M is powerful and passionate with a rich, warm balance. Yet it’s no wallflower dynamically. In its timbral sophistication and impressive dynamic range, even at orchestral levels, it achieves the kind of top-to-bottom coherence that makes magic happen. NG, 189

Sonus Faber Elipsa
Yet another gorgeous speaker from this outstanding Italian manufacturer, the Elipsa’s tone colors are ravishing, its overall sound smooth, warm, and intensely seductive. At the same time, it will easily show differences in recordings as well as associated components. WG, 173




"Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, it's the best speaker in the proud Sonus Faber family"
- Neil Gader (The Absolute Sound) sur les enceintes Liuto



Monitor en Liuto

Ci-dessous vous trouverez une annonce de Sonus Faber pour le lancement des enceintes Monitor et Liuto en version bois. Comme vous pouvez le lire, cette nouvelle finition est disponible à partir de la mi-octobre. Le prix est le meme que la finition noire.

De plus, pendant le show international Top Audio à Milan, Sonus Faber a reçu deux oscars :

  • le meilleur systeme à deux voies
  • le meilleur "Auditorium Top Audio"

Sonus Faber is pleased to present in advance the new line LIUTO WOOD, previewed at the international Top Audio (Milan • 17-20 September). On this occasion the audience has awarded Sonus Faber two prizes of high value: 'Best two-way system' and 'Best Top Audio room'.

LIUTO WOOD was born from the careful research and selection of materials of the highest quality. The craftsmanship of the production, the design and manufacture completely made in Italy make it a unique and unrepeatable product.

Different from the other model thanks to its harmonious lines created through the use of new materials, Liuto Wood testifies to the company's desire to meet the market: Sonus Faber has chosen to keep the same price as the current lacquered version.

The version Liuto Wood will be launched on the market starting from mid-October.

Data sheet and more details on www.sonusfaber.com soon


And the Award goes to….

Catégorie Enceintes

Sonus Faber

Sonus Faber Cremona M
The latest addition to the Cremona family, the Cremona M retains the lute-shape enclosure that Sonus Faber popularized in its flagship Amati and Guarneri models. The M is powerful and passionate with a rich, warm balance. Yet it’s no wallflower dynamically. In its timbral sophistication and impressive dynamic range, even at peak orchestral levels, it achieves the kind of top-tobottom coherence that makes magic happen. Reviewed by NG, Issue 189

Sonus Faber Elipsa
Yet another gorgeous speaker from this outstanding Italian manufacturer, the Elipsa’s tone colors are ravishing, its overall sound smooth, warm, and intensely seductive. At the same time, it will easily show differences in recordings as well as associated components. Reviewed by WG, Issue 173

Journée Portes Ouvertes chez Emplis (Belgique) le 17, 18, 19 et 20 juin.



L’enceinte Toy

Citons quelques mots de Ken Kessler au sujet de l’enceinte Toy. « La plus petite et la plus mignonne des enceintes Sonus Faber n’est pas seulement un jouet ». Lisez ici l’histoire complète het hele verhaal.

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Monitor et Liuto

Et ça continue encore et encore… deux nouvelles enceintes Sonus Faber : Monitor et Liuto. Comme toujours Sonus Faber proposent à nouveau deux fantastiques enceintes. Les premières écoutes sont littéralement exceptionnelles. Les deux enceintes sont spatiales, ouvertes, musicales et étonnantes de facilité. Quant au design que dire… A écouter et à voir impérativement!

              Sonus Faber Liuto et Monitor